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ŠTURSA Petr1, JUNKOVÁ Petra1, STREJČEK Michal1, MACEK Tomáš1,2, MACKOVÁ Martina1,2
(1Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická; 2Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR; Společná laboratoř UOCHB a VŠCHT)

MALDI-TOF MS snadný a rychlý způsob pro identifikaci bakterií izolovaných ze životního prostředí
MALDI-TOF MS simple and rapid tool for identification of bacteria isolated from the environment

This paper is focused on the use of mass spectrometry in the biological sciences, especially the possibility of using this method for the identification of microorganisms particularly bacteria and not only from clinical or food material but also from the environment. Article also offers a brief comparison of some methods that are used for identification of microorganisms.

Key words: Mass spectrometry, MALDI-TFO MS, bacteria, protein, identification.

Listy cukrov. řepař., 126, 2010 (11): 412-413.

full text (PDF)