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SOUKUPOVÁ Iva1, KRYŠTOFOVÁ Olga2, ŠOBROVÁ Pavlína2, MAJZLÍK Petr2, ZEHNÁLEK Josef2, ADAM Vojtěch2, BEKLOVÁ Miroslava1, KIZEK René2
(1Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita v Brně, 2Mendelova univerzita v Brně)

Vliv platinových kovů na systém půda-rostlina
An affecting of soil-plant system by platinum group elements

Road traffic belongs to the anthropogenic activities affecting the landscape and many other factors. The most serious problem of road traffic is emissions of toxic substances such as oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and, in addition, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes and heavy metals, nowadays mainly platinum group elements (PGE), which are the main component of the catalyst. In this way, PGE contaminate environment such as air, soil, water, sediment and biota. In this mini-review, ways of emissions and forms of the emitted PGE are briefly summarized. Then, we focus on the transport in an environment, particularly on soil-plant system.

Key words: platinum group elements, plant, soil, transport, environment.

Listy cukrov. řepař., 126, 2010 (11): 415.

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