VRANOVÁ Valerie11, PAVELKA Marián2, REJŠEK Klement1, FORMÁNEK Pavel1
(1Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2Centrum výzkumu globální změny AV ČR v.v.i.)
Význam aminokyselin v přímé výživě pěstovaných plodin Significance of Amino Acids in Direct Nutrition of Crops
Bioavailable (in literature often termed “free“ amino acids) are those present in soil solution and exchangeably bound to soil
colloids. These amino acids may be directly taken up by plant roots without their previous mineralization. Only a few studies
were done to test amino acid uptake by roots of crops, and preference of crops for uptake of particular nitrogen form
(NH4+, NO3– and amino acids). From these studies is evident that crops prefer mineral
nitrogen uptake. Modern methods for measurement of direct amino acid uptake by plants are based on an injection
of dual-labelled amino acids (13C and 15N) into rhizosphere soil
to distinguish proportion of intact amino acid uptake. Disadvantage of these methods is possibility
of amino acid break down into 15NH4+ and 13HCO3– before
plant uptake takes place. Thus, development of new methods presents a current trend of this research.