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The journal Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské publishes original scientific and specialist articles in Czech and Slovak, pertaining to the sugar & sugar beet branch. Apart from these articles, we also publish shorter specialist announcements, information about events and novelties in the branch, specialist book reviews, personal announcements, reports from scientific press etc. Contributions are to be sent to the editorial staff either by e-mail (cukr-listy(a)centrum.cz) or by mail (VUC Praha, a.s., Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské, U Jednoty 7, 142 00 Praha 4 Písnice, Czech Republic).

The journal claims the right to the copyright of the article. The journal claims the right to publishing, extending or translating the articles, including the reproduction of illustrations.

The journal publishes original, hitherto unpublished articles that are not at the same time offered to any other journal.

The title of the article
The title should be short and concise (should contain keywords, specified in the end of the article). If the matter of the article requires a longer title (more than 50 characters), we recommend using a short title complemented by a longer subtitle.

It is necessary to specify the full name and surname omitting titles.

Is specified briefly, i. e. the name of the organization only.

The text of the article
We accept the text of the article in Czech, Slovak or English. The text should be divided into chapters and subchapters according to the rules for scientific texts and to the content of the article. The titles of the chapters are distinguished by the typeface and are not numbered (unless inevitable due to the lack of the lucidity of structure). The text has to be sent to the editors either by e-mail or by mail. The most convenient way is to use a common text processor (RTF or DOC formats). It is necessary to choose the typeface in concord with the layout of the journal (italics and bold), always a standard typeface. Automatic numbering and footnotes must be avoided! The graphical layout is the matter of typesetting. The article should not exceed 5 pages (60 characters per line, 30 lines per page). If the article is longer, it is the decision of the editors whether the article will be accepted or handed back to rewriting.

All illustrations, photographs and graphs are referred to as images. They are numbered in Arabic numbers. Every image must have a caption. A reference to an image in the text is in a contracted form and the number is in the cardinal form, for example (img. 1).
Images have to be handed as individual files in formats TIF, BMP, JPG (in the resolution of 600 DPI in the case of black and white images; and 300 DPI in the case of grayscale or color images – in the actual size) or AI, CDR, EPS (vector graphics). Graphs should be in the Excel format. If the images are not delivered electronically, they have to be attached on separate sheets in a quality sufficient for printing.

We prefer graphs to tables. Tables should not be overly vast and their number must be proportional to the length of the text. In the case of a bigger extent the editors can hand the article back to rewriting. The tables have to be numbered incrementally in roman numerals. Every table must be complemented by a caption. A reference to a table is in a contracted form and the number is in the cardinal form, for example (tab. IV). It is suitable to hand the tables as separate Excel files.

The summary and keywords
The summary is a short and concise outline of the content of the article. It shouldn't exceed 200 words. It is then necessary to specify five to seven keywords.

Citation and bibliography
Bibliography lists the citations in the order in which they appear in the text. For referencing a publication in the text use the number of the publication from the list and write it in round brackets. If the document is cited repeatedly, it is repeated under the same number. Detailed citation rules of the journal can be obtained separately.

Correspondence address
The correspondence address of the main author (or of the author that handles correspondence) is printed by the article. It is necessary to specify both your full address (first name, surname, titles, workplace address) and your e-mail address.

Specialist announcements are shorter contributions that do not have the character of original articles. The themes are specialist subjects pertaining to operational practice and business, economic, political, legal, statistical and historical themes, related to the sugar & sugar beet branch. Company specific announcements fit this category. The extent of specialist announcements is limited to 4 pages. The contributions must comply to the same rules as original scientific and specialist contributions with the exception that they do not have to contain the summary, keywords, and bibliography (unless there are citations in the text). It is not necessary to divide the text into chapters in the case of shorter contributions.

Announcements about specialist events, reviews, personal announcements etc. should not exceed one page in length. They should include the author's full name, a title and the content of the contribution.

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